Hager, 2020

HAGER is a 2020 short film assem­bly direct­ed by Kevin Kopac­ka. The film stars Philipp Droste, Anna Hei­deg­ger, Cris Kotzen, David Garzón Bar­d­ua, H.k DeWitt, Aline Adam, Nura Habib Omer, Jen­ny Con­rads, Iman Rezai and Fred­erik von Lüt­tichau. Fred­erik por­traits Inspec­tor Moltke, an aggra­vat­ed chief of police who des­per­ate­ly wants to stop the spread­ing of a new drug called ABD. It’s Fred­eriks 2nd col­lab­o­ra­tion with Kevin Kopac­ka.

After his col­league Schweitzer goes miss­ing dur­ing a drug raid, under­cov­er cop Till Hager is tasked with track­ing down a mys­te­ri­ous new drug called “Abad­don” — a sub­stance which sup­pos­ed­ly drags its users down the deep­est depths of hell.

IMDB Buy at ama­zon Trail­er

  • Win­ner Best Art­house Film — L’Age d’Or Inter­na­tion­al Art­house Film Fes­ti­val, Kalkut­ta 2019
  • Cast Philipp Droste — Till Hager
    Anna Hei­deg­ger — Maria Hager
    Cris Kotzen — Julius Schweitzer
    David Garzón Bar­d­ua — Eich­born
    H.k.DeWitt — Nord­mann
    Aline Adam — Maria
    Nura Habib Omer — Mala­co­da
    Jen­ny Con­rads — Sara Wei­del
    Iman Rezai — Charon
    Fred­erik von Lüt­tichau — Inspek­tor Moltke
  • Direc­tor, Edi­tor Kevin Kopac­ka
  • ​Writer H.k DeWitt, Kevin Kopac­ka
  • Direc­tor of Pho­tog­ra­phy Lukas Dol­gn­er
  • Pro­duc­er Lili Vil­lányi, Kevin Kopac­ka
  • Music Kevin Kopac­ka, Mike McFly
  • Cos­tume Design Tere­sa Gross­er
  • Make Up Batoul Chahrour