Tatort — Leben Tod Ekstase, 2022

Tatort: Leben Tod Ekstase is a TV film of the famous ger­man crime series TATORT. Writ­ten and direct­ed by Nikias Chrys­sos, who’s films have been screened at Berli­nale, Tribeca and Cler­mont-Fer­rand, gave this one a very spe­cial touch. Fred­erik von Lüt­tichau plays the ger­man sol­dier Syd who, after com­ing back from a mis­sion in Soma­lia, tries to get cured from his anx­i­ety by the unortho­dox meth­ods of Dr. Adri­an Gos­er (Mar­tin Wut­tke), which take a turn for the worse.

Inspec­tors Anna Jan­neke and Paul Brix are con­front­ed with the death of six women and men, all of whom took part in a psy­chol­y­sis ses­sion and died dur­ing the ther­a­py ses­sion. As part of their inves­ti­ga­tion, they come across Dr. Adri­an Gos­er, a con­tro­ver­sial psy­cho­an­a­lyst and the sole sur­vivor. In the hope of being able to recon­struct the last hours before the crime, Gos­er, as the main sus­pect, is brought to his vil­la to inspect the crime scene. Dur­ing the inspec­tion, all entrances to the house are sud­den­ly blocked by an unknown per­son and a first shot is fired. Is Gos­er telling the truth? Is this an attack by the actu­al per­pe­tra­tor, who now also wants to exe­cute the last vic­tim?

Der Spiegel: “Große Drogenop­er”

IMDB Sum­mery via Wikipedia

  • World Pre­mier at Old­en­burg Film Fes­ti­val 2022

“Grandios” und “eine der besten Fol­gen des Jahres”.

Marek Bang, Kino.de

“Der Frank­furt-Tatort “Leben. Tod. Ekstase.” ist ein echter Gruselschock­er.”

Katrin Kim­pel, Hes­sen­schau

Ein “irrer Trip”, eine “Freak-Show”.

Matthias Han­ne­mann, Frank­furter All­ge­meine

“Große Drogenop­er”

Chris­t­ian Buß. Der Spiegel
  • Cast Mar­gari­ta Broich — Anna Jan­neke
    Wol­fram Koch — Paul Brix
    Mar­tin Wut­tke — Dr. Adri­an Gos­er
    Aenne Schwarz — Ellen Jensen
    Pit Bukows­ki — John
    Fred­erik von Lüt­tichau — Syd
    Uisen­ma Borchu — Isabelle von Kanis
    Doğuhan Kaba­dayi — Polizist Azad
    Simon Schwan — Polizist Buske
    Isaak Dentler — Jonas Hauck
    Anhänger — Selam Tadese, Zazie de Paris, Anabel Möbius, Friederike Ott, Ulrich Cyran, Flo­ri­an Lange, Sofie Hoflack
  • Direc­tor Nikias Chrys­sos
  • Writer Nikias Chrys­sos, Michael Comtesse
  • Cast­ing Nathalie Mis­chel
  • Pro­duc­tion HR — Hes­sis­ch­er Rund­funk
  • Pro­duc­er Erin Höger­le, Jörg Him­st­edt
  • Cam­era Jonas Schnei­der
  • Cos­tume Moni­ka Gebauer
  • Make Up Karsten Rein­ert, Annett Wehn, Jen Peer­mann
  • Set Design Károly Pákozdy
  • Out­door Props Maik Hörnig, Stef­fen Lein­we­ber
  • Inside Props Bian­ca Stich
  • Sound Ralph Gan­swindt
  • Edi­tor Ste­fan Blau
  • Music John Gürtler, Jan Mis­erre
  • Pro­duc­tion Man­ag­er Dominik Diers
  • Floor Man­ag­er Rüdi­ger Spi­eth