
Fred­erik von Lüt­tichau is a Ger­man actor. Cur­rent­ly he can be seen in the Sky & Pea­cock series THE TATTOOIST OF AUSCHWITZ along­side Har­vey Kei­t­el. Fred­erik is per­haps best known for Kevin Kopack­a’s DAWN BREAKS BEHIND THE EYES which pre­miered at Lon­don Fright­fest, won six times best fea­ture world­wide and for which he won Best Per­for­mance at the 2021 Night­mares Film Fes­ti­val. Oth­er note­able cred­its include Nikias Chrys­sos’s TATORT- LEBEN TOD EKSTASE, Lars Jessen’s LEGEND OF WACKEN and BENZIN which was nom­i­nat­ed for the 2019 First Steps Award. Fred­erik has also won the Nestroy-Spezial­preis for Sig­na’s WIR HUNDE/​US DOGS at the Wiener Fest­wochen 2016.

Fred­erik will next be seen in THE LOOM (exec­u­tive pro­duc­er James Ivory), Roman Toulany’s GHOST ISLAND 2 and Locarno Award win­ning Paulo Menezes’ MODERN ENCHANTMENTS.

Rep­re­sent­ed by:

Renate Land­kam­mer — Berlin